Hooray for the time change. 😣 I woke up at 4:30! Gonna be a long day.
I'd washed the bathroom floor, and put the mop out to dry. It froze overnight. That morning it was -6 ℃., no wonder it froze solid. Today it is only 1 ℃.!
The frost on the bird feeders!
I put up our Remembrance Day flag.
We decided to take a walk along the highway to see the condition of the deer carcass.
A porcupette also met its demise on the highway. The vultures have migrated.
There is nothing left except fur. There was a path trod, running up the hill towards our house.
This is why we thought we'd go look. Joe was doing his regular walkies around the yard, now that his back is slowly improving. Look what he found, the spine and a hip bone.
It turns out that the coyote yips I heard at bedtime, WERE in the backyard! The bones were found right out the back, behind the large white pine!
That means they dragged their food selection about 100m to the back yard, away from the highway.
Out and about <= in my first post about this, I didn't realize they were so close.
Two piles of coyote poop! You can tell it is coyote from the fur embedded in it.
On the hill down to the wetland, beside the shed, lots of deer fur.
And I finish with a funny story. After mom died and we moved into her house, Joe would smell the smells of cleaning products in the air. I am sure it was a message from mom to clean up more! She was fastidious in the era of Cometizing one's house. Germs were feared. A real 50s and 60s woman who kept her home very, very clean.
Joe and I were sitting with morning coffee, and he told me he could smell cabbage. Then, he said he could smell burned cabbage. (I don't like cabbage much, so it wasn't me!) He left the room, and I could smell it. It was the dead mouse smell. Pulling out my chair, there it was. They are trying to move into the house for winter, and the cats are snapping them up!
We've a rainy day. There is a long storm moving north east up the continent. The US has had terrible tornadoes and thunder and lightning. It peters out as it moves north towards us.
I must put on my big girl pants and raincoat, as soon as it is light, and take the garbage out. Joe is some better and collected it for us this week.